King Air 350 Classes - $3,245 (Deposit) Subscription

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What Our Customers Are Saying:

I recently hired Stark Aviation Services for my annual King Air Training.  Noteworthy was the attention to detail of systems review, as well as the actual flight training.  Stark Aviation Services was very thorough and professional in all aspects of the training event.  They were able to accomplish my King Air 350 recurrent training, as well as differences training in the King Air 200, and 90 series in a timely fashion, and at a very competitive price.  In the beginning I was a bit skeptical about training in the actual airplane since most underwriters insist on simulator based training.  However, the underwriters approved the course without question, and the convenience of training out of my home base as opposed to having to travel, speaks for itself.  In closing, for those who would have the ability to train in the actual aircraft they fly, I highly recommend Stark Aviation Services.

Ken Kaiser

ATP  CFII/MEI  B-737, BE-300, CE-500, CE-525S, CE-560XL, IA-Jet

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